
Event date: 9/19/2024 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Export event
NASWWA Chapter
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Student Series: We Are All Macro Social Workers

We Are All Macro Social Workers

September 19, 2024. 6-7:30pm ET (3-4:30pm Pacific)

Do you want to get more involved in advocacy efforts, but worry that you don’t have the time? Curious about leadership opportunities, but are not sure where to start? Being a board member, serving on a legislative committee, and contacting your legislators are exciting experiences that take less time than you may think. This student series event will break down some of the barriers to macro level careers and volunteer opportunity. Come share your experiences and learn from longtime NASW volunteer and elected leader, Kristi Wood, MSW, CAPSW, about her journey and advice to the next generation of social workers. Free for all to attend!

Register Now.