Chapter Board Nomination and Committee Request Form

Thank you for your interest in running for the NASW-WA Board of Directors or volunteering to serve on a Chapter Committee. Our members help the Chapter's work in so many ways! Review the position and committee descriptions below. If you are interested in serving the Chapter as a volunteer leader, click the "Apply Now" button!

Have questions about a volunteer role or want more information? Contact the Chapter and we'll assist you!

Board and committee nominations should consider and not discriminate against members' gender identity, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, age, political views, spiritual and religious beliefs, citizenship, nationality, and other forms of discrimination. In addition, board and committee members’ nominations should include competence/experience, geographical area representation and recommendations from geographical region representatives. Every NASW member should have the same opportunity to become a board or committee member regardless of differences. NASW membership in good standing is a requirement for all board, committee and task force appointments.

Applications for FY 2025 elected positions (Board of Directors) were due by the close of business on April 30, 2024. If you are interested in non-elected Committee posts, please fill out the application by clicking "apply now!"

Board and Committee Position Descriptions

Board Description

The Chapter Board is charged with developing a program plan to ensure that the Chapter programs are consistent with Delegate Assembly approved program priority goals, Association strategic goals, and the professional needs of the Chapter members. The Chapter Board provides consultation to the Chapter Executive Director in developing an annual budget for submission to the National Office. The budget supports the Chapter’s programs and is designed to be consistent with the NASW National Board’s budget parameters.

Board Structure  

Each board position serves a two-year term, except for BSW and MSW student representative positions, which are one-year terms. The President-Elect position is a three-year commitment (1 year as President Elect, and then 2 years as President). Terms run July 1-June 30. There are 11 Board positions.

First Vice President
Second Vice President

Board Members
2 Western Washington Regional Representatives
2 Eastern Washington Regional Representatives
1 MSW Student Representative
1 BSW Student Representative

Officers are considered the Executive Committee (plus one appointed non-officer member from the Board). The President may call special meetings of just the Executive Committee if confidential issues need to be discussed or there is a need for in depth discussion on a specific issue. The Executive Committee meets between quarterly Chapter Board meetings.


Board Member Responsibilities  

The Board of Directors serves the critical role of ensuring the public’s trust that the Association is staying true to its mission. Board members act as ambassadors for the profession and assist with recruiting and retaining members. All Board members shall:

  • Promote and advance the profession of social work by communicating the mission, vision, and activities of the association to the public.
  • Actively recruit social workers to become members of NASW. Promote the benefits and importance of NASW membership.
  • Attend and participate in all NASW-WA Board meetings (held quarterly or 4 times per year).
  • Attend any special meetings (strategic plan, board retreat, etc.)
  • Officers serve on the Executive Committee.
  • Carry out the functions and tasks that are specific to their elected position.
  • Follow the Chapter on social media, liking and sharing posts for increased association reach.
  • Recommend candidates to the NLIC Committee for Chapter elections.
  • Recommend candidates to the President for Committee appointments and Board position vacancies.
  • Submit name(s) to the Chapter for statewide awards and work with the Board to determine award winners.
  • Be a member of NASW

Board Member Recruitment

The call for Chapter board nominations is posted in the Chapter Update (email newsletter) each fall. Nominations are open through each spring. The Nominations and Leadership Identification Committee (NLIC) review nominations and compile a slate. If there are unslated candidates, the slate is posted for Chapter members to review pursuant to the Standards for Chapter Nominations and Elections (updated September 2020). If all candidates are slated, the election begins in the spring with candidates bio/platform statement and ballot posted for NASW-WA members to vote. Ballots are tallied and certified and candidates are informed of the process.


The President-Elect serves a one-year term before assuming the office of President (2 years); is available to work in close collaboration with the President; and, performs duties as assigned by the President. Prepares to assume the following Presidential tasks as follows:

  • President – the President is the presiding officer of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and an ex-officio member of all committees without a vote except as provided in the committee charge
  • Represents the Board of Directors and reports to the Board of Directors all important interim actions;
  • In consultation with the Board of Directors, makes all appropriate committee, task force, unit and other appointments. The President shall work collaboratively with the Executive Director and the National Office to achieve the goals of the Chapter.

First Vice President

The First Vice President serves a two-year term in office. The First Vice President fulfills the duties of the President in the event of absence or disability and assumes the Presidency upon the President’s resignation or inability to discharge the office. The First Vice President:

  • Provides oversight for the Chapter Diversity Plan, including the annual progress reporting and updates.
  • Performs other duties as assigned by the President.
  • Serves on the Executive Committee.
  • Attends all meetings of the Board of Directors and participates in the decision making process.

Second Vice President for Budget and Finance  

The Second Vice President serves a two-year term in office. The Second Vice President is the primary liaison between the Chapter Board and the Chapter executive director on the financial matters of the Chapter, including the review of the Chapter’s budget and financial reports with the Chapter Board. The Second Vice President:

  • Ensures adherence to the financial policies and practices required by the National Office or approved by the NASW National Board.
  • Serves on the Executive Committee.
  • Attends all meetings of the Board of Directors and participates in the decision making process.


The Secretary serves a two-year term in office, attends all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and participates in the decision making process. The Secretary works with other Chapter officers, Board members, Chapter members and Chapter staff to fulfill the mission of the Chapter. The Secretary:

  • Records minutes at all Board and Executive Committee meetings and other meetings as assigned.
  • Maintains order of all non-fiscal records of the Chapter.
  • Represents the Chapter in attendance at national, regional and statewide meetings as assigned by the President.
  • Helps assure compliance with NASW procedures.

Region Representatives  

Region Representatives serve as an identified NASW elected Board member and fills a two-year term in office, attends all meetings of the Board of Directors and participates in the decision making process.

2 Eastern Washington Regional Representative (1 elected every other year)

2 Western Washington Regional Representative (1 elected every other year)

The Regional Representatives:

  • Responsible for the functioning of Regions and in the development of District leadership and activities.
  • Provide leadership to the development of the Regions, including holding Regional leadership and program development meetings with Chapter members.
  • Prepare and deliver a written reports of plans/activities to the Board of Directors.
  • Establish and maintain contact with the faculty and students at the schools of social work within the Region (if such are present.)
  • Submit a calendar of meeting dates and summary of events to the Chapter office to communicate with members.
  • Invite NASW members and non-members to attend the NASW events.

Student Representatives  

Student Representatives serve a one-year term on the Board of Directors, attends all meetings of the Board of Directors and participates in the decision making process.

1 BSW Student Representative (elected annually)

1 MSW Student Representative (elected annually)

The BSW and MSW Student Representative:

  • Serve as the representatives for all MSW students in the state assuring adequate flow of information from the Chapter and Board to school contacts
  • Meet with the incoming Student Board Representative, after the Spring election, to create a smooth transition for future activities.
  • Meet in the fall with the school contacts and a representative from the Chapter to: a) identify student activities and b) plan for student membership recruitment and retention.
  • Is encouraged to attend the Regional meetings and encourages students to participate in these meetings and activities.
  • Convene NASW meetings for students on their own campus 1-2 times a year and encourages the student involvement in NASW.
  • Communicate with the Region Representative in the Region in which the student goes to school.
  • Identify student members with leadership interest or potential for the Chapter Nominations and Leadership Identification Committee (NLIC).
  • Communicate with the identified faculty liaisons in the school at which the student attends.

Nomination and Leadership Identification Committee (NLIC) Members
  • NLIC Members serve staggered 1, 2, or 3-year terms. NLIC, with the support of Chapter staff, has responsibility for:
  • Making reasonable efforts to slate at least two qualified candidates for each position in an
  • Election of Chapter Board members, Delegate Assembly (DA) representatives (if any), and NLIC members.
  • Certifying to the Chapter Board Secretary the completed slate of candidates for compliance with the Chapter’s Diversity Plan.
  • Accepting and reviewing nominations by petition.
  • Monitoring the election process and providing oversight for any alleged violation.
  • Be a member of NASW

Delegate to the Delegate Assembly  
  • The Delegate Assembly is the representative, decision-making body – comprised of 277 elected delegates - through which NASW members set broad organizational policy, establish program priorities, and develop a collective stance on public and professional issues. Article V of the National Bylaws addresses Delegate Assembly. The Delegate Assembly meets once every three years. As stated in the National Bylaws, "The membership shall act through the Delegate Assembly in all matters except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws." The Washington State Delegation consists of the President, President-Elect, Executive Director (non-voting), and two elected Delegates from our Chapter membership. Duties of the delegates over the three-year term include:
  • Be fully informed about all positions to be considered by the Assembly and exercise responsible financial judgment in their policy deliberations and voting.
  • Formulate and develop the work of the upcoming Assembly and vote on policy proposals, changes to the Code of Ethics, and changes to the NASW Bylaws.
  • Attend and participate in Delegate Assembly meetings including trainings, Coalition meetings, and the Delegate Assembly Meeting (held every three years).
  • Be a member of NASW

District Liaisons  

The Chapter Board created a new way for members to participate and engage with the Chapter and engage social workers at the local level.

District liaisons are volunteer NASW members that help to coordinate local NASW events or meetups. They report to Chapter Board Regional Representatives about local activities, concerns, and advocacy opportunities relevant to social workers. The District Liaison opportunity provides local representation and support for members to reach out to the Chapter with concerns. District Liaisons serve at the local level in distinct geographic areas. They help engage members to participate in events and Practice Area Network events. The District Liaisons meet twice a year with the Regional Representatives and other District Liaisons to coordinate activities, messaging and more. There is no set term length, however.

Legislative Action Committee

NASW Washington State Chapter includes a Legislative Action Committee (LAC). The LAC sets legislative priorities and assists the contract lobbyist in carrying out legislative programs approved by the Board.

Membership Engagement Committee  

The mission of the Membership Engagement Committee is to recruit, retain, and reclaim membership of social workers and other like-minded professionals with a commitment to the principles and standards of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and our Code of Ethics.

Chapter Ethics Committee  

The Chapter Ethics Committee (CEC) is responsible for assisting the NASW Office of Ethics and Professional Review (OEPR) in addressing complaints filed against members in accord with the Association’s policy on professional review.

Washington Political Action for Candidate Election (PACE)  

The Washington PACE Committee members carryout state candidate endorsement and build grass roots networks through member political education and mobilization.

Nominations and Leadership Identification Committee (NLIC)  

NLIC, with the support of Chapter staff, has responsibility for: making reasonable efforts to slate at least two qualified candidates for each position in an election of Chapter Board members, Delegate Assembly (DA) representatives (if any), and NLIC members; Certifying to the Chapter Board Secretary the completed slate of candidates for compliance with the Chapter’s Diversity Plan; accepting and reviewing nominations by petition; and monitoring the election process and providing oversight for any alleged violation.