Thank you for your interest in running for the NASW-WA Board of Directors or volunteering to serve on a Chapter Committee. Our members help the Chapter's work in so many ways! Review the position and committee descriptions below. If you are interested in serving the Chapter as a volunteer leader, click the "Apply Now" button!
Have questions about a volunteer role or want more information?
Contact the Chapter and we'll assist you!
Board and committee nominations should consider and not discriminate against members' gender identity, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, age, political views, spiritual and religious beliefs, citizenship, nationality, and other forms of discrimination. In addition, board and committee members’ nominations should include competence/experience, geographical area representation and recommendations from geographical region representatives. Every NASW member should have the same opportunity to become a board or committee member regardless of differences. NASW membership in good standing is a requirement for all board, committee and task force appointments.
Applications for FY 2025 elected positions (Board of Directors) were due by the close of business on April 30, 2024. If you are interested in non-elected Committee posts, please fill out the application by clicking "apply now!"